Uploading documents to the Charitable Trusts Register

The size and types of files you can upload

Our online services accept only some file types, and in most cases the files must have a combined size of less than 75MB.

On this page:

Document file types you can upload

When uploading documents, you can only upload certain file types:

  • Portable Document Format (PDF)
  • Rich Text Format (RTF)
  • Microsoft Word documents:
    • Version 1997 to 2003 (DOC)
    • Version 2007 and newer (DOCX)
  • Corel Word Perfect (WPD)

You can also upload some image files, including:

  • GIF
  • JPG, or
  • PNG.

Troubleshooting tips

You can use your smartphone to save a document as PDF

Many modern smartphones are able to scan documents and save them as PDF files. Here are 2 options:

  • Open the 'Notes' app and create a new note.
  • Tap the Camera icon and select 'Scan Documents'.
  • Scan the first page of the document, a bit like taking a photo.
  • Choose 'Keep Scan' to accept the first page.
  • You can add more pages to the scan or save if you're finished.
  • When you choose to save, your PDF file will save as a new Note.

  • Open the app and tap the '+' to create a new file.
  • From the menu choose 'Scan'.
  • Scan the document, a bit like taking a photo.
  • Add more pages to the scan by selecting the '+' onscreen.
  • When you choose to save, your PDF file will save to Google Drive.

Reducing the size of large files

You can reduce the file size of scanned documents by rescanning them with lower quality settings.

Getting further help

If you still have a problem, please get in touch with us.

Contact us

All help topics

Searching the Charitable Trusts Register 2 guides

Searching the register for information about charitable trust boards and their status.

Starting a charitable trust board 5 guides

To incorporate a charitable trust board you must submit an application, along with the required documents. There is no registration fee.

Keeping charitable trust board details up to date 7 guides

Ending a charitable trust board 2 guides

There are two ways to end a charitable trust board. If the board is no longer operating, it can apply to be dissolved. If it is unable to pay its debts, it can be placed in liquidation.

Restoring a charitable trust board to the register 1 guide

A trust board that has been removed from the Charitable Trusts Register can apply to us to be restored.

Forms 1 guide

Find the forms you'll need to register your charitable trust board or keep its details up to date. Please note: there are no fees for registering or maintaining a charitable trust board.