Forgotten your RealMe® username or password

Where to get help if you can't log in

Your RealMe username and password gives you access to a range of online government services, including the Charitable Trusts Register.

If you've forgotten your username

To receive an email or text message reminder of your username:

  • Click the RealMe logo at the top of this page.
  • Select 'Forgot Username' and follow the instructions.

After you've received your username reminder, return to the Charitable Trusts Register homepage and click the 'Login' button.

If you've forgotten your password

You can reset your password if you:

  • know your username
  • have access to the email address or mobile number registered to your RealMe account — usually the one you used to create your login
  • know either the answers to your security questions or your PIN.

To reset your password:

  • Click 'Login' link at the top of this page.
  • Select 'Forgot Password' and follow the instructions.

After you've received your temporary password, return to the Charitable Trusts Register home page and click the 'Login' button. You can then create a new password.

Keeping your login details secure

You’re responsible for keeping your RealMe username and password confidential. We'll consider any actions on our site from your RealMe username and password have been made by you.

For further information, please read our terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions

All help topics

Searching the Charitable Trusts Register 2 guides

Searching the register for information about charitable trust boards and their status.

Starting a charitable trust board 5 guides

To incorporate a charitable trust board you must submit an application, along with the required documents. There is no registration fee.

Keeping charitable trust board details up to date 7 guides

Ending a charitable trust board 2 guides

There are two ways to end a charitable trust board. If the board is no longer operating, it can apply to be dissolved. If it is unable to pay its debts, it can be placed in liquidation.

Restoring a charitable trust board to the register 1 guide

A trust board that has been removed from the Charitable Trusts Register can apply to us to be restored.

Forms 1 guide

Find the forms you'll need to register your charitable trust board or keep its details up to date. Please note: there are no fees for registering or maintaining a charitable trust board.